The iconographic weather forecast on the home page of this website is provided by AerisWeather. Also included on the home page are two meteograms. Meteogram A, which is highly customizable, is capable of pulling data from various providers, including the Norwegian Meteorological Institute, NOAA, UK Met Office (national), SMHI, FMI, and DWD (MOSMIX model). The configuration of Meteogram A will change from time to time depending on prevailing weather concerns (e.g. presenting freezing rain probabilities during winter months). Meteogram B, generated as a free service from meteoblue, provides a fixed 5 day forecast.
*Note: The live updates are delivered through websockets, which may be blocked by ad-blocking software. You may need to adjust your ad-blocker settings if you are not receiving these updates.
Station hardware: WeatherFlow
Server uptime: 3749306 seconds
WeeWX uptime: 3749478 seconds
WeeWX version: 4.10.2
Belchertown Skin Version: 1.3.1